Steps and requirements for Skilled Worker sponsor licence and Skilled Worker visa
Skilled Worker sponsor licence is a highly beneficial asset to UK businesses due to shortages of local skilled workers in the UK. With the sponsor licence, UK business can employ foreign skilled workers from any country in the world. There are some key requirements and steps that businesses need to follow when applying for the Skilled Worker sponsor licence, and subsequently when issuing Certificates of Sponsorship (COS) to migrant workers.
The relevant requirements are published in the Home Office guidance on gov.uk website. The way the information is explained in the Home Office official guidance can sometimes be difficult to comprehend for someone who does not have UK immigration experience. The record of the sponsors is also publicly available on gov.uk website.
To simplify the matters, we put together the below Table with links to resources available on our website that can assist you in understanding and applying for the sponsor licence, certificates of sponsorship and Skilled Worker visas.
There are also other UK work visas, such as Global Business Mobility visa routes, that you may find useful for your business. Those are particularly relevant for businesses with international presence. For example, if you are an overseas business that intends to open a branch office in the UK you may apply for Global Business Mobility: Expansion Worker sponsor licence and bring employee(s) on Expansion Worker visa. The Global Business Mobility visa routes, including the Expansion Worker, unfortunately do not lead to settlement Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK. Therefore, if settlement is your goal, then Skilled Worker licence is the option that does lead to Indefinite Leave to Remain.
Sponsor licences and work visas are the key area of our immigration law expertise and we have successfully obtained immigration licences and work permits for many businesses. Well prepared applications are more likely to be approved faster and in many cases also help you to avoid the Home Office audit (visit) when applying for your sponsor licence. Should you encounter any difficulties in your applications or simply wish to have a professional immigration lawyer to help you, do get in touch with us.